There’s always that brief moment

‘tween harsh words

angry thoughts

rough expressions

Where you want them to prove you wrong

in all ways.

Once the silence hits you,

There it is–

Absolutely nothing.

When served the same cold dish,

I find it hard to be nice,



Why shame me

When you know you’ve hurt me before?

You extract my blood from the same emotional wound,

Ripping revenge

to leave me in sorrow.

I’ve evolved my sadness just for you.

This is hybrid numbness,



Is it such a bad idea to expect you to leave?

Don’t be mad at the truth when you constantly prove it.

My friendship means nothing,

Your respect belongs to no one but you.

Still miss me like crazy?

Instead of the sadness, self-hatred

and scrutinizing dialogue,

I think I will just say

“Told you so”

just to sum up how it feels.


I’d be a liar if I acted like it didn’t hurt,

Like I felt a little useless.

Instead, I’ll be honest.

It hurt,

I sort of expected it,

I hoped you’d be different.

Just like every other time.

Your card’s still on the table.